Hello Instructors and Shops!! We are excited about all of the awesome divers you are creating here at Juturna. We need to cover a few things with you before you start bringing students up if you haven’t yet. Then I will fill you in on what we are doing for you.
1. Each dive shop must submit copies of liability insurance showing proof of dive shop liability coverage listing “Maryland Dive Training Facilities LLC DBA Juturna Springs”, “Comus Properties LLC” and “Laurel Sand and Gravel Inc” as an additional insured. We must also have a copy of the list of instructors covered under your policy. These are to be sent to info@juturnasprings.com with the subject to be your shop name followed by “insurance forms”.
2. All independent instructors must submit copies of in-water liability insurance coverage showing a minimum $2 Million aggregate coverage to teach at Juturna Springs. “Maryland Dive Training Facilities LLC DBA Juturna Springs”, “Comus Properties LLC” and “Laurel Sand and Gravel Inc” must be listed as an additional insured. These are to be sent to info@juturnasprings.com with the subject to be your name followed by “insurance forms”.
3. Every student diver must be listed on a roster sheet and presented to Juturna Staff on arrival.
4. Every dive professional must attend an instructor orientation prior to bringing students to the park.
5. Every dive professional must have a signed copy of the current “Rules and Policies” for the year on file with Juturna Springs. Please read through them carefully before signing and contact us with any questions. Click here to download our Rules and Policies. All Technical Divers must fill out a Tech Waiver. Click here to download our Tech Waiver.
6. It is highly recommended that each dive shop brings an oxygen and first aid kit to the site in case of diver emergency. Juturna has developed an Emergency Action Plan and it is available here. Please familiarize yourself with this plan and feel free to contact us with any questions. Click here to download out Emergency Action Plan
Ok, lets dig in to a couple of these a bit more. Most are straight forward.
#3 speaks about a roster/manifest. We need you to provide a class roster for each class. At the top we would like the name of the shop then the class. i.e. Open Water or Advanced Tri-Mix. Under the class name we want the instructors name, and DM if the instructor is using one.
#4 The orientation program will evolve as the quarry does. Our intention is to provide a program that will update instructors on changes to the quarry, reiterate emergency procedures and protocols as well as ensure up to date insurance information. This idea and program is still in the works. We will be able to do a verbal on site orientation this season. Upon completion you will be issued a card that shows you an active instructor with the Quarry.
Instructors that have been through orientation, sent in their insurance and have the card will dive for free. Just show the card. Even if you’re coming for fun. It only works for you though. No sharing. Next year we will not have free access for fun. We will be creating a program that will offer discounts and options for free diving when bringing groups of fun divers. We will reveal more on this as we develop the program.
Dive Masters – Instructors with classes of Six(6) to Eight(8) get One(1) Dive Master for free. These numbers will be verified via the roster and registration process. Exceptions for these ratios can be made for adaptive diving and youth diving programs on a case by case basis. You must have approval from Juturna Springs staff IN WRITING.”
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